Our culture

Inomax is combination of Maximum and innovation,because we always believe innovation Promote social civilization and development,innovation make us always competitive and successful.
so we will always with the maximum innovation to Providing the best products and services to allow partners get the real honor and profits.

our vision is Become a benchmark enterprise in the industrial control industry, become an internationally renowned trademark, and become the first Chinese Fortune 500 company in the industry, bringing true honor and benefits to customers who love and trust us.

our mission is to build the trust of technology in China with our leading technology for industrial automation ,let the world benefit from technology in China.

our value:

We are constantly focusing on innovating.
We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that’s not changing.
We believe that we own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make,
We believe that we can make a significant contribution for industrial automation.
We believe that we can build your trust of technology in China and let the world benefit of technology in China.

Inomax scientists and technologists are continually innovating a comprehensive range of products, systems and services that increase energy efficiency, reliability and productivity for our industrial, utility and infrastructure customers.